by Ken Grohe | Aug 8, 2023 | #LunchTimeFriday
I get asked by a few members of Sales Community quite often to defend the sales profession...
by Ken Grohe | Aug 8, 2023 | #LunchTimeFriday
As Delbert and Mary Grohe taught us in our wedding day- Always be #gameready Opportunity knocks often… are you able to respond? Pebble Beach Resorts Casa Palmero BJ Jenkins Jas Sood CeCe DeCamp Shue-Jane Thompson, IBM Consulting Ladies Professional Golf Association...
by Ken Grohe | Aug 8, 2023 | #LunchTimeFriday
As you make the transition from rockstar individual contributor to manager you will soon realize that that you no longer walk on water but rather you eat problems all day to minimize friction for your team. Happy...
by Ken Grohe | Aug 8, 2023 | #LunchTimeFriday
If you want to win the prize on the midway of business life-ask the important question as to what matters most! Hint: it’s not “hey big guy, I bet I can guess your weight within 3 lbs! only $5 to press your luck-$100 prize of a #Santacruzwhatever premium pickleball...
by Ken Grohe | Aug 8, 2023 | #LunchTimeFriday
#SantaCruz O’Neill...
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